Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Open The First

Hello Internet. After many years vaguely thinking I should start a blog, I finally have. About a year ago, I wrote a small, simple software package to manage a blog in Perl, but after the work on that experiment I, unfortunately, lost the motivation to actually begin the blog. In the time since then, I've often found myself engaging in a mental writing process to crystallize my ideas on any number of topics. Once I have my thoughts organized, I often find myself wishing I had the opportunity to express them to an interested party, and publishing to a blog seems the natural route for this.

You may be wondering why I've chosen to use blogger, as opposed to resurrecting that old project of mine. To be quite frank, although my collection of Perl scripts matched certain proclivities of mine quite well, I've found that on the whole, blogger has a much more robust and well-developed interface. I also don't have to go through the trouble of finding a cheap hosting provider that will give me scripting access.

Well, with that introductory bit out of the way, I'll attempt to set the tone for this blog. As the sub-headline at the top of the page reads, this blog is about "Technology, Culture, Politics". That means that I'll use this blog as a bit of a soapbox to share my ideas on the things that interest me. You can expect to find articles on science and technology (which I hope to keep from being too boring) with my own viewpoint as a computer science student and hobbyist thrown in. I'm also an avid fan of music, cinema, and even television, so I'll be speaking on those topics and occasionally offering reviews of new and not so new releases. Finally, I follow politics quite closely, and I hope to offer insight there as well. In case you are wondering, I am an American liberal, and proud of it.

I hope that, if you are reading this, you are interested in what I have to say or, at least, the topics that I'm talking about. I encourage you to post comments in response to mine. I always welcome discussion, and whether you agree or disagree with something I say, I hope you contribute your opinion.

Well, that's about it for this first post. Thank you for reading, and I hope you find this blog interesting in the weeks and months to come.

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